(Scroll down for form)

KAPPA’s Call For Presentations for the June 11 and 12 Spring/Summer Conference will be open soon!

Please note the following about submissions:

Besides looking for general subject matter of interest to attendees, selection of submissions for the conference will consider the following:

  • Presentations that are led by a presenter from a college/university, or have a co-presenter from a college/university, may be favored for selection.
  • Presentations that are more local or regional (local or regional college/university and/or firm) may be favored for selection.
  • Presentations that are already registered for continuing education credits, such as AIA, may be favored for selection.
  • Presentations that appear to be “advertising” a specific product or service will be strongly disfavored.
  • Presentations are due by Friday, April 5.

Selections will be announced by Friday, April 12.

  • Please note the following guidelines and instructions for presentations:
  • Roundtables will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 11.  Most presentations will be on the morning of Wednesday, June 12.
  • Presentations are to be roughly one hour in length, including time for questions.
  • Presenters will need to bring their own laptop. A projector will be provided.
  • If sound is required, presenters should bring their own Bluetooth speakers or other sound capabilities.
  • Presenters are expected to register for the conference.
  • Presenters do not automatically get a business partner booth for the networking session.
  • Company names and logos on presentation slides should be minimized.
  • If you have any questions about KAPPA education presentation submissions, you may contact Greg Black via phone at (717) 871-4604 or gregory.black@millersville.edu

Call for Presentations Form

Terms and Conditions: By submitting this form, the writer acknowledges (s)he understands that in order to present at the conference (s)he must be registered as a PAID ATTENDEE to the conference.
Has presenter previously submitted to present, or been chosen to present at a KAPPA conference?
KAPPA encourages partnership with an Institution.
KAPPA encourages partnership with an Institution.
KAPPA encourages partnership with an Institution.
KAPPA encourages partnership with an Institution.
Please list additional presenters here listing their names, title, institution/organization, and email.
I would be interested in facilitating a roundtable discussion instead of a traditional presentation.
Please choose a category that best fits your presentation:
Please list four learning objectives relative to your presentation.
Please write a short abstract about your presentation.
Is the presentation accredited, or likely to become accredited, for any of the following?
If this presentation does not yet qualify for continuing education units (CEU’s), where applicable, would the presenter be willing to work with the conference education committee to pursue certification?
Is the presenter willing to have their presentation posted on the KAPPA website?