KAPPA is your local chapter of APPA with members from Central and Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. It is one of 11 chapters within ERAPPA, the Eastern Region of APPA. ERAPPA is one of six regional associations within the US/Canada/Mexico International APPA organization.
We are an organization that provides the structure for educational facilities professionals to come together to enhance their skills, knowledge and most importantly network with others in the field. The chapter meetings take place during the Spring and Fall. The Spring meeting is hosted by member institutions on a rotational basis over two days and includes the annual business meeting for the association, educational sessions and a tour of the host facilities.
Our Fall educational conferences take place over two days and typically include a professional keynote speaker, educational sessions and networking opportunities. As well, often APPA educational programs are brought on-site and held directly proceeding the education conference.
If you have any questions or wish to contact us please use the following link to our contact us page.