Dear KAPPA Members and Business Partners,
Keystone APPA is excited to announce that registration is now open for the Spring 2025 KAPPA Conference at Eden Resorts in Lancaster, PA on April 10-11. KAPPA is co-hosting this conference with Delaware Valley APPA.
Click on the button below for conference registration details:

Register Now

We pulled together an outstanding agenda which kicks-off with a lunch and business meetings for both chapters followed by a yet to be announced keynote speaker (we have discussions underway but not concluded), two rounds of round table discussions, business partner networking reception, and networking dinner with raffle drawings. Day two begins with a networking breakfast including a welcome to first time attendees followed by 12 different professional development programs broken up into four tracks: operations and maintenance; planning, design, project management; general management; and energy, utilities, sustainability.
During the KAPPA business meeting, we will be voting on proposed changes to the bylaws and holding elections for officers and board positions. I encourage you to consider running for one of the open positions, which include:
• Second Vice-President (expected to fulfill 4 years of presidential track including First Vice-President, President, and Past-President)
• Secretary (3-year term)
• Director of Professional Development (3-year term)
Information on the obligations of officers can be found in the Board of Director Responsibilities. If you are interested in joining the KAPPA Board, please reach out via email to KAPPA past president Randy Geering.
You can also participate in the Pete Buchheit Memorial Golf Outing on April 9 at Overlook Golf Course. The golf outing provides scholarships to cover the cost of conference registration for first time institutional attendees. There is also a golf alternative event planned on April 9 in the recreation area of Eden Resorts. Both events on April 9 culminate in a 19th hole event at Authur’s Terrace at Eden Resorts.
Looking forward, please save the dates for the Fall 2025 KAPPA Conference at the Omni Resort in Bedford Springs on November 12-13 and Spring 2026 KAPPA Conference in State College on April 22-23. In both cases, we plan to hold the Pete Buchheit Golf Outing the day prior to the start of the conference.
I hope to see you in mid-April!



Mark A. Bodenschatz
KAPPA President